Pastors and church or ministry leaders get virtual expertise and shortcuts to resolve operational and organizational issues outside their “strike zone.”
Ministry partnershipCompassion for pastor and administrator based on many years of church leadership. Consistent with strategic direction. Collaborate to build organizational readiness. Complement skills and time of existing people.
Priority focusPastors and ministry executives must master and balance many critical priorities. Operational issues and projects distract from people and community ministry. Executive support and coaching enables a pastor’s or leader's focus on spiritual ministry to foster church health and growth.
Build resiliencePlanting or leading a church or ministry is stressful. Leaders usually have visionary and relational strengths but may lack administrative gifts. Stress rises when outside one’s “strike zone.” Executive support builds resilience.
AcceleratorsAccess best-practice-based templates for essential policies and documents, Adaptable to local preferences and situation. Leverage reusable resources to save time and effort, simplify tasks, and expedite required outcomes.
CustomizationConduct flexible projects and personalized advice. Plug gaps with unbundled services. Design outcomes for most impact and highest priorities. Achieve short-term, focused goals or longer-term, wider-scope purposes
Convenient virtual serviceConnect via online tools and methods. Perform and interact anywhere. Proven effective and responsive “work from home” experience. Eliminates travel expense. Accessible as needed. Link easily with all stakeholders.
Liaison with specialistsUtilize expert legal, insurance, technology, and accounting resources. Supply linkage and executive rapport with these professional service providers. Mitigate risk through use of certified talent.
Easy, no-cost startComplimentary downloadable resource materials. No-charge Zoom consultation about situation and priorities. No-risk proposal with affordable fee for services and outcomes selected by the pastor or executive staff.